The comedy-gold podcast hosted by Bobby Lee and Khalyla, TigeBelly, is coming to you live at Moore Theatre on Thursday, 31st of August 2023 for TIGEBELLY LIVE! The fun-filled show will feature hilarious half-truths, social no-nos, and animal behavior as the hosts hilariously discuss anything under the sun. As the podcast comes to life off your mobile phones and computer screens, save your spots at this year's sought-after live comedy shows, with the one and only Bobby Lee and Khalyla, by booking your tickets now!
Launching in 2015, TigerBelly is a video podcast hosted by Bobbly Lee and Khalyla Kuhn, talking about anything under the sun from their daily lives to news and popular culture. The podcast also sheds light on issues revolving around Asian American topics on entertainment, sexuality, ethnicity, racism, politics, and so forth. The podcast grew a massive following for the duo's vibe and charm as they hilariously cover and discuss the week's agenda.
TigerBelly prides itself as a "no-holds-barred arena for half truths, social no-nos, and animal behavior-featuring comedian Bobby Lee and his best friend Khalyla,". With a new episode every Thursday, the podcast continues to amass widespread attention for the duo's unique charm and personality that brings out new colors to every topic discussed, with their blend of comedic antics. TigerBelly boast itself as the #1 Asian Podcast, #1 Asian-American Podcast, #1 Korean-American Podcast, #1 Filipino-American Podcast, and the Top Asian Podcast of all time, though clarifying that some people might find it subjective.
The magic started happening when Bobby Lee and Erik Griffin pitched a podcast idea to All Things Comedy. The initial duo was signed but found it difficult to make things happen. During this time, Lee and Kuhn were visiting the Philippines when Kuhn was met with some heart troubles. Spending weeks in the hospital, Kuhn started her own podcast to keep her busy, and Lee came on board, discovering their amazing chemistry, and thus launching the iconic duo as TigerBelly.
Every episode begins with an a capella performance by Bobby before the hosts proceed to the weekly agenda featuring humorous discussions about their daily lives and burning social issues. Before an episode concludes, the show reads listener questions, giving unsolicited "Unhelpful Advice". Every episode brings new light and joy to listeners who seek a unique form of entertainment that features life updates and current events.
As the Bobbly Lee & Khalyla gear up to conquer the live stage at TIGERBELLY LIVE!, the duo exclaims "It’s not a podcast and it’s not stand-up," in a tweet promoting the tour. "We’re giving you a f*ck’n chaotic experience! Join us and be a part of our very own TigerBelly game show!"
Beyond humorous spiels and banters, TigerBelly Live promises an interactive experience in a game-show-like event led by acclaimed TigeBelly hosts. Don't miss out on big surprises led by Bobbly Lee and Khalyla at TIGERBELLY LIVE by booking your tickets now!
Moore Theatre
932 2nd Avenue, Seattle, Washington, 98101, United States