If you have ever wanted a night of elegance and grace, then you may already have purchased a ticket to see Dance This live as they perform on the breathtaking Moore Theatre stage on Friday 15th July 2022. If you haven’t, then you will want to hurry and pick up your tickets now so you don’t miss out on this five-star performance. When Dance This performs this astounding dance recital, not only will you be treated to a unique blend of dance traditions and heart-stirring music, but you’ll also see what fans are already calling the can’t-miss performance of 2022. If you love ballet, then be sure to click the Buy Tickets button below while supplies last!
Are you ready for the ultimate dance show of 2022? Are you ready for the ultimate dance performance to come to Washington? Well get ready for the Friday 15th July 2022, sliding over to you live in Seattle from the great stage at Moore Theatre its… Dance This! The ultimate dance show in 2022. Dance This will burn through you like a gypsy wildfire, igniting your soul and dancing in its flames and, when she is gone, the odor of her smoke will be the only thing left to soothe you. Dance! The hidden language of the soul, breaking your mind free from the normal limits of life, Dance This dancers’ unique style and approach transcends the spirit has long been a central impulse behind their epic work. Coming to you live from Moore Theatre, Dance This, on the Friday 15th July 2022, tickets are for sale now so, this is your chance to see this epic event, so tap that buy button above to buy your tickets right now, with a show of this magnitude and standard you better be quick as these tickets are selling fast!
Moore Theatre
932 2nd Avenue, Seattle, Washington, 98101, United States