Moore Theatre Seating Chart

Moore Theatre Seating Chart

With a relatively plain exterior, the The Moore Theatre will dazzle you with its splendour once you’re inside. It boasts spectacular custom-designed architecture. Its interior features a steel girder large enough to span the width of the house, allowing the entire balcony to be held up without any need for sightline-obscuring columns. A mix of Byzantine and Italianate styles, the theatre’s decor features white ceramic and terra cotta tiling, with luxurious furnishings, cushions and curtains. The seating capacity is enough for up to 1,800 patrons.

On the day of a performance, guests are asked not to attempt to change their assigned seats, as this will cause confusion and disruption. Seat rows and numbers are clearly and intuitively laid out, however, if you need any assistance finding your seat number, please ask a member of staff who will be only too happy to help you.